Sunday, November 4, 2007


Originally uploaded by Elin Ivemo
Farewell Learning 2.0!


So this is the end! Yeh...yippee, fantastic, I have made it to end. What a journey!

After beginning the program with the second group of participants I knew I was behind the others and had to work hard. I look back at the first couple of exercises and asked why am I doing this. This is all too hard but now as I jump in and out of my blog, it all seems so much easier. Flickr was good to use as well. Even walking away with the familiarity of new terminology and technology is a great outcome of the program. However, if I ever lose my list of usernames and passwords I will scream...........

Drawbacks of the program. The lack of instructions was frustrating. Trying to follow and find instructions online was hard work. And boy did you feel stupid when the exercise said 'this is easy' and then it didn't work. Some of the material would be more straight forward for people in the field of IT however we 'information technologists' are trying to embrace the terminology and may need to be spoon fed a bit more. I would not have been unable to complete the program without the technology assistance of my 'better half'. Many thanks!

So what am I going to do now? Well as you may have discovered my daughter plays ice hockey for the Sharks Ice Hockey Team. I have been asked to do a newsletter for the club. I said tonight, on the way home from the hockey rink, I could change my blog name from Sparky Snippets to Sharky Snippets and continue the blog for club information. I never thought I would hear those words come out of my mouth!!!!!

Week 9: Audio Books

There is definitely a market for downloadable eAudiobooks. Visiting the Historical Children's Ebooks site highlighted just how precious some of our older and out-of-print books are. The classic novels that are no longer available or are too fragile to be handled can now still be viewed online. What a great service to library patrons.

As the price of books sky rockets, there is still the demand from patrons. Viewing ebooks certainly gives patrons another source to tap in to. Brilliant.......

Week 9: Podcasts

I thought a more local podcast would be great to have access to so I found the State Library of Victoria's podcast and with assistance from my little helper I said up an RSS feed. Podcasts I looked for in the directories, for topics I was interested in, were quite out of date so that is why I wanted something close to home and current. SLV seems reasonably up to date.

Podcasts can be a great form of technology and I can listen to the podcasts while doing my chores! In the library situation, podcasts of recent guest speakers at Library Events @ ERL could be placed on podcast for patrons that are unable to get to the library to hear the speaker live.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Week 9: YouTube

You Tube can be great! If you have the time! It is a bit of a worry when a television station has a new show which shows downloads from the internet. What the?

The significance of my You Tube selections? I managed to find a You Tube which combined my interest in polar bears and ice hockey. Where else in the world would I find that but on You Tube? The Ice Hockey Rap video is of my daughter! She submitted the video as part of her Year 11 Studio Art Photography. She compiled 154 photographs @ 7 second intervals time exposure, added music and then added it to You Tube. I am proud to say she got at A for the project! And all her fellow team mates can have a look at the video.

How can we apply You Tube to the library scene? Well I thought Library Dominos was great and I had a great laugh at the Medieval IT Help Desk. As an instructional tool, You Tube could be good. Instead of showing the Monitor system for the 100th time to the patron I could just hit a button on a screen and say 'watch this'. Want a tour of the library? Watch this video!

Once again I found the notes for uploading the video to the blog really unclear. Had to resort to my 'better half' again for help!

Week 9: You Tube - Ice Hockey Rap

Week 9: You Tube - Hockey Bears