Sunday, November 4, 2007


So this is the end! Yeh...yippee, fantastic, I have made it to end. What a journey!

After beginning the program with the second group of participants I knew I was behind the others and had to work hard. I look back at the first couple of exercises and asked why am I doing this. This is all too hard but now as I jump in and out of my blog, it all seems so much easier. Flickr was good to use as well. Even walking away with the familiarity of new terminology and technology is a great outcome of the program. However, if I ever lose my list of usernames and passwords I will scream...........

Drawbacks of the program. The lack of instructions was frustrating. Trying to follow and find instructions online was hard work. And boy did you feel stupid when the exercise said 'this is easy' and then it didn't work. Some of the material would be more straight forward for people in the field of IT however we 'information technologists' are trying to embrace the terminology and may need to be spoon fed a bit more. I would not have been unable to complete the program without the technology assistance of my 'better half'. Many thanks!

So what am I going to do now? Well as you may have discovered my daughter plays ice hockey for the Sharks Ice Hockey Team. I have been asked to do a newsletter for the club. I said tonight, on the way home from the hockey rink, I could change my blog name from Sparky Snippets to Sharky Snippets and continue the blog for club information. I never thought I would hear those words come out of my mouth!!!!!


Yarra Plenty Library Regional Library said...

Congratualtions. I hope you have enjoyed exploring Web 2.0.


Webgurl said...

Hey there Sparky,

Well done! You've done so well to finish it all in a shorter time. You've got a great blog here and the blog newsletter sounds great. People could subscribe to it and you could update it more frequently than a paper one.

Cheers, webgurl

Paul said...

Hi Sparky,

Please let me add my congratulations. I hope that despite the occasional hiccup you have enjoyed doing the programme.... it's been fun seeing people learning as they struggle/glide/zip* (*-delete where applicable)go along. Glad to see that you can find a use for some of the new stuff that you've picked up along the way.

Cheers, Paul.