Friday, November 2, 2007

Week 7: Wikis

A Wiki allows a group of people to collaboratively develop a Web site with no knowledge of HTML or other markup languages. Anyone can add to or edit content. Sound interesting!

Advantages - Easy to use; anyone can make changes; free and open source options; flexible and extensible.

Disadvantages - Disorganized; too open; not enough control; vandalism and spam.

So where do wikis fit in to libraries? I believe there is a place for wikis in the library world. The lack of editorial control and a wiki being prone to being subjective, or strongly influenced by opinion, is of concern. If a wiki is designed around a specific subject/topic and directed towards a very specific audience, eg. reader's reviews (such as the Book Lover's Wiki, developed by Princeton Public Library) or family historian's discussions on a specific topic then I think there is potential for wikis.

However the suggestion of adding 'wiki functionality' to the library catalogue - I don't think so....... A 'community wiki' via a library would be a great idea. With libraries becoming the 'hub' of the community, a wiki would be great for the local community to advertise certain materials. For example, local schools or community houses could advertise their activities via the wiki. They would then have flexibility of making changes to the entry.

Library Success: a Best Practises Wiki was a wiki created to be a 'one-stop shop' for great ideas and information for all types of librarians. Under specific categories which can be added to. But once again, I think it is successful because it is targeting a specific audience and is less open to abuse.

I also enjoyed the You-Tube on the campers using a wiki to co-ordinate the camping trip instead of emailing many people. That has huge potential but I have visions of families organizing thier Christmas lunches and what to bring via a family wiki - 'no you said you'd bring the plum pudding' 'no you were supposed to bring the turkey'' you forgot the bon bons'. Aaah - roll on Christmas! Ho, ho, ho.

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